BANKE MESHIDA: NIGERIAN CELEBRITY MAKE-UP ARTIST (CEO BMpro Cosmetics) first met Mrs. Olabanke Meshida Lawal in 2003 in a state in Nigeria. She had come to render service to a high -earned client who was getting married in 2003. Clientele like her who were the creme-de-la creme of society, were among her first customers. No one was rendering such services at the time. It was a brand new idea.

Mrs. Olabanke Meshida-Lawal was born in the ancestral town of Ìlé-ìfè, South West Nigeria. While in secondary school, she was good in her Fine Art subject. At this point in time, before age eighteen, she had begun making up her family members and friends.

Mrs. Meshida-Lawal took the trouble to take training classes to perfect the art of making people look beautiful. She saw it as a viable industry and is indeed the pioneer of the present booming make-up industry not only in Nigeria her country but other parts of Africa.

In 2006, her make-up line BMpro was born. The birth of her make-up line was necessitated by some deficiency in foreign products for African skin and weather. Since then, the products have grown from the initial fourteen items to sixty-five items with distributors all over Africa, the UK and Canada.

The big question for you now is why do you still bother with make-up that disagree with your skin type? Tell us in the comments section below.

In the slide below you have the CEO BMpro, her products and one of her clients.

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